Thursday, February 28, 2008

O Happy Day!

Truitt has reached his first milestone - SMILING! How cute is that?!?
This is the first one that I have been able to get him to do for the camera. I would love to write more, but he is not in the same blissful mood as the picture right now.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

He loves me...

Tobias went to stay with Grammy & Papoo this weekend because Mommy was sick and Daddy was tired. Lately Tobias hasn't wanted to leave my side, even if it is to stay with Daddy. However, when the grandparents came Friday he went to the door waved, said, "Bye-bye", and blew me a hesitation.
I was wondering if he would want to come home Sunday because it sounded like he was having so much fun. He got a bike hemlet and boots for puddle jumping and he went to the Mickey D's playground.
This afternoon I heard the doorbell ring. When I opened it I saw the sweetest boy and knew immediate he does love me. (I won't go into how the rest of the evening went. Let's just say I think he has a head cold and is teething.) It is amazing how much I love him, especially when he looks so cute!

My beautiful bouquet!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

GREAT Grandparents!

As much as we miss our Greenville friends it is nice to be so close to family here. Tobias & Truitt have been able to spend a lot of time with all the grandparents; they have Grammy & PaPoo, Grandma & Paw-Paw Joe, GG & GG (that stands for Great Grandma & Great-Grandpa), and a Granny & Papa!!! That's right EIGHT grandparents!!! Talk about spoiled. Actually, its me (Heather) that is spoiled by all the help with the babies, meals, and cleaning. Not to mention its nice to have company a couple times a week. Above is a picture of Granny & Papa reading with Tobias & Truitt at our house.